Friday, February 4, 2011


I am so incredibly behind that it's embarrassing. I never wrote my glowing reaction to the chilled-out Sun Bowl. I made only a cursory mention of my despair when Kyle Rudolph declared for the NFL Draft. I never fully expressed my gratitude for Michael Floyd's decision to return for Senior year.

But seeing as National Signing Day is upon is, I hope to remedy some of that.

So can I just start by saying: Michael Floyd is Notre Dame.

Just in case his performance on the field doesn't speak for itself--just in case you weren't convinced when he called and personally encouraged you to buy tickets for the Sun Bowl--just in case his decision to stay isn't reason enough alone--

Lo and behold this quote from his presser back in January:

I'm returning to Notre Dame for three reasons: to earn my degree, return Notre Dame to the top and improve myself as a player. First, I promised my mom I would graduate from Notre Dame and I am 40 credit hours shy of attaining that goal. I chose to attend Notre Dame in part because I knew it was a 40-year decision and not a four-year decision. Graduating from Notre Dame will help me for the rest of my life. Second, I want to get Notre Dame back to a BCS game. I believe we are very close to returning the Irish to where we belong and I want to be part of something great. Lastly, I want to show everyone in the country that I'm the best wide receiver in college football in 2011. There are many things I need to improve, but I feel with the coaching I have at Notre Dame, I can become the best at my position in this game.

That paragraph, right there, is pretty much the thesis statement of Notre Dame football. What's been done or not done in the past will cease to matter when every player on the team buys into these three inevitable truths:
1. You come to Notre Dame to get an education
2. You play football because you want to win a national championship
3. You work to be the best player at your position. Not just on your team, but in the entire f*ing country

Number three has to come last, though. After the education. After the team.

And it's not like being the best f*ing player in the country is going to be possible for every player on the team--but shit, shouldn't they try? Why not try? Even if you fall short, being not-quite-the-best-in-the-country is still pretty f$#@ing good. It's just like Brian Smith says--"You've got to play like you're the baddest mother on the field, even if you aren't."

Lucky for us, Michael Floyd is. And he's coming back.

This is way too late to matter, but: Rejoice!